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24) T. Liu(刘婷), G. R. Zhang, X. L. Zhang, T. Jia, Z. Zeng*, and H Q Lin, Electronic structure and magnetism of La4Ni3O8 from first principles, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 24, 405502(2012). [PDF]

23) L. J. Guo(郭令举), X. H. Zheng, Zhi Zeng*, and C. Zhang, Spin orbital effect in lanthanides doped silicon cage clusters, Chemical Physics Letters 550, 134(2012). [PDF]

22) L. F. Huang (黄良锋), T. F. Cao, P. L. Gong, Z. Zeng*, and C. Zhang, Tuning the adatom-surface and interadatom interactions in hydrogenated graphene by charge doping, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, 125433 (2012). [PDF]

21) W. Y. Wang(王伟杨), and W. Xu*, Magneto-photon-phonon interaction in a parabolically confined quantum dot in the presence of high magnetic fields and intense terahertz radiation fields, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, 045307 (2012). [PDF]

20) Y. G. Li(李永钢), W. H. Zhou, L. F. Huang, R. H. Ning, Z. Zeng* and X. Ju, The Accumulation of He on a W Surface During keV-He Irradiation: Cluster Dynamics Modeling, Plasma Sci. Technol. 14(7), 624(2012). [PDF]

19) Y. G. Li(李永钢), W. H. Zhou, L. F. Huang, Z. Zeng* and X. Ju, Cluster dynamics modeling of accumulation and diffusion of helium in neutron irradiated tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials 431, 26(2012). [PDF]

18) X. H. Zheng(郑小宏)*, X. L. Wang, L. F. Huang, H. Hao, J. Lan, and Z. Zeng*, Stabilizing the ground state in zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons by dihydrogenation, Phys. Rev. B 86, 081408(R) (2012). [PDF]

17) J. Lan(兰杰), X. H. Zheng*, L. L. Song, R. N. Wang, and Z. Zeng*, B, C and N adatoms effects on the transport properties in zigzag graphene nanoribbons, Solid State Communications 152, 1635 (2012). [PDF]

16) X. H. Zheng(郑小宏)*, L. F. Huang, X. L. Wang, J. Lan, and Z. Zeng, Bandgap engineering in armchair-edged graphene nanoribbons by edge dihydrogenation, Computational Materials Science 62, 93 (2012). [PDF]

15) X. H. Zheng(郑小宏)*, J. Lan, X. L. Wang, L. F. Huang, H. Hao, and Z. Zeng*, Orbital symmetry induced conductance switching in a graphene nanoribbon heterojunction with different edge hydrogenations, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 053101 (2012). [PDF]

14) R. H. Ning(宁荣辉), Y. G. Li, W. H. Zhou, Z. Zeng*, and X. Ju, Modeling D retention in W under D ions and neutrons irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials 430, 20(2012). [PDF]

13) R. H. Ning(宁荣辉), Y. G. Li, W. H. Zhou, Z. Zeng*, and X. JU, An improved cluster dynamics model for hydrogen retention in tungsten, International Journal of Modern Physics C 23, 1250042 (2012). [PDF]

12) X. L. Zhang(张小丽), T. Jia, T. Liu, Z. Zeng*, and H. Q. Lin, The strong quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetism in a charge-transfer insulator: AgSO4, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 07E136(2012). [PDF]

11) D. Y. Liu (刘大勇), Y. M. Quan, Z. Zeng, and L. J. Zou*, A Three-Dimensional Tight-Binding Model and Magnetic Instability of iron selenide KFe2Se2, Physica B 407, 1139(2012). [PDF]

10) Y. M. Quan(全亚民) L. J. Zou*D. Y. Liu and H. Q. Lin, Competition between crystal field splitting and Hund's rule coupling in two-orbital magnetic metal-insulator transitions, Euro. Phys. J. B 85, 55(2012). [PDF]

9) L. J. Guo(郭令举), X. H. Zheng, C. S Liu, W. H. Zhou, and Zhi Zeng*, An ab initio study of cluster-assembled hydrogenated silicon nanotubes, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 982, 17(2012). [PDF]

8) Y. M. Quan(全亚民), L. J. Zou*, D. Y. Liu and H. Q. Lin, Influence of electronic correlations on orbital polarizations in the parent and doped iron pnictides, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 24, 085603(2012) . [PDF]

7) Y. G. Li(李永钢), W. H. Zhou, R. H. Ning, L. F. Huang, Z. Zeng* and X. Ju, A Cluster Dynamics Model for Accumulation of Helium in Tungsten under Helium Ions and Neutron Irradiation, Commun. Comput. Phys. 11, 1547(2012). [PDF]

6) H. Hao (郝华), X. H. Zheng, R. N. Wang, Z. Zeng*, and H. Q. Lin, Spin-flip effect on transport properties of a MN3 molecule, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07B303(2012). [PDF]

5) W. Fan(范巍), Pseudo-gap and vertex Correction of Electron-phonon Interaction in High Transition-Temperature Superconductors, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 25, 841(2012). [PDF]

4) H. Hao (郝华), X. H. Zheng, L. L Song, R. N. Wang, and Z. Zeng*, Electrostatic spin crossover in a molecular junction of a single-molecule magnet Fe2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 017202(2012). [PDF]

3) L. F. Huang (黄良锋), and Z. Zeng, Patterning graphene nanostripes in substrate-supported functionalized graphene: A promising route to integrated, robust, and superior transistors, Frontiers of Physics 7, 324(2012). Selected by Frontiers of Physics Vol. 7 No. 3 as Back Cover. [PDF] [Back Cover]

2) T. J. Li(李铁军), Y. M. Quan, D. Y. Liu, and L. J. Zou*, Magnetic phase diagram of an extended Hubbard model at half flling: Possible application for strongly correlated iron pnictides, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324, 1046(2012). [PDF]

1) 全亚民,刘大勇,邹良剑, 多轨道Hubbard模型的隶玻色子数值算法研究, 物理学报61, 0171062012). [PDF]


2) Y. H. Zhou, L. Z. Yuan, and X. H. Zheng*, Ab Initio Study of the Transport Properties of A Light-Driven Switching Molecule Azobenzene Substituent, Computational Materials Science 61, 145 (2012) . [PDF]

1) Weiyun Zhao, Shufen Fan, Ni Xiao, Dayong Liu, Yee Yan Tay, Cui Yu, Daohao Sim, Huey Hoon Hng, Qichun Zhang, Freddy Boey, Jan Ma, Xinbing Zhao, Hua Zhang and Qingyu Yan, Flexible carbon nanotube papers with improved thermoelectric properties, Energy Environ. Sci, 5, 5364 (2012). [PDF]

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