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39) F. Lu(卢峰), Y. Song, D. M. Chen, and L. J. Zou *, Orbital Order and Orbital Excitations in Degenerate Itinerant Electron Systems, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26, 097501 (2009). [PDF]

38) M. Y. Ni(倪美燕), and Z. Zeng*, Density functional study of hydrogen adsorption and dissociation on small Pdn(n=1-7) cluster, Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem 910, 14 (2009). [PDF]

37) X. H. Zheng(郑小宏), I. Rungger, Z. Zeng*, and S. Sanvito, Effects induced by single and multiple dopants on the transport properties in zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons, Phys. Rev. B 80, 235426 (2009), selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 21, 1 (2010). [PDF]

36) G. R. Zhang(张国仁), and Z. Zeng* , New methods for enhancing ZT value of nanowires, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 193, 012110(2009). [PDF]

35) L. L Li(李龙龙), J. Zhang, Y. L. Shi, H. Qin, and W. Xu Terahertz absorption in InAs/GaSb type-II superlattcies, The 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09IMM-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5417-4 . [PDF]

34) H. M. Dong(董海明), H. Qin, J. Zhang, F. M. Peeters, and W. Xu* Terahertz absorption window in bilayer graphene, The 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09IMM-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5417-4 . [PDF]

33) X. H. Zheng*(郑小宏), R. N. Wang, L. L. Song, Z. X. Dai, X. L. Wang, and Z. Zeng*, Impurity induced spin filtering in graphene nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 123109 (2009), selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 20, 14 (2009). [PDF]

32) X. L. Wang(王贤龙), M. Y. Ni , Z. Zeng* and H. Q. Lin Effects of hydrogen impurities on Ge1-xMnx semiconductors, Europhysics letters 87, 47001(2009). [PDF]

31) H. M. Dong(董海明), J. Zhang, F. M. Peeters, and W. Xu* Optical conductance and transmission in bilayer graphene, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 043103 (2009). [PDF]

30) X. H. Zheng(郑小宏), G. R. Zhang, Z. Zeng*, Victor M. Garcia-Suarez, and Colin J. Lambert, Effects of antidots on the transport properties of graphene nanoribbons , Phys. Rev. B 80, 075413 (2009), selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 20, 8 (2009). [PDF]

29) 黄良锋,李延龄,倪美燕,王贤龙,张国仁,曾雉* , 氢掺杂单层石墨体系的晶格动力学研究, 物理学报, 58(专刊), S306 (2009). [PDF]

28) 李龙龙,徐文,曾雉*, 转移矩阵理论及其在III/V族半导体量子阱体系中的应用, 物理学报, 58(专刊), S266 (2009). [PDF]

27) 郑小宏, 戴振翔,王贤龙,曾雉*, BN掺杂对单层石墨纳米带自旋极化输运的影响, 物理学报, 58(专刊), S259 (2009). [PDF]

26) 徐勇,王贤龙,曾雉* , 中性和带电小钨团簇的第一性原理研究 , 物理学报, 58(专刊), S072 (2009). [PDF]

25) Y. L. Li(李延龄)and Z. Zeng*, Potential ultra-incompressible material ReN: first-principles prediction , SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 149, 1591 (2009). [PDF]

24) T. Jia (贾婷), G. R. Zhang, Z. Zeng*, and H. Q. Lin, Orbitally relieved magnetic frustration in NaVO2 , Phys. Rev. B 80, 045103(2009). [PDF]

23) X. L. Wang(王贤龙), M. Y. Ni , Z. Zeng*, and H. Q. Lin, Investigation of pressure effects on MnxGe1-x , J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 321, 2575(2009). [PDF]

22) C. S. Liu(刘春生), and Z. Zeng*, Ionization-induced enhancement of hydrogen storage in metalized C 2 H 4 and C 5 H 5 molecules, Phys. Rev. B. 79, 245419 (2009). [PDF]

21) C. S. Liu(刘春生), Y. L. Li, Y. Xu, X. L. Wang, and Z. Zeng* , Theoretical Investigations of LaOFePn(Pn=P, As and Sb) , Physica B 404, 3242 (2009) . [PDF]

20) X. H. Zheng(郑小宏), Z. X. Dai and Z. Zeng , The size effects of electrodes in molecular devices: an ab initio study on the transport properties of C60, J. Phys. : Cond. Matt, 21 145502(2009). [PDF]

19) D. Y. Liu(刘大勇), D. M. Chen and L. J. Zou , Effects of anharmonic lattice distortion on orbital and magnetic orderings in KCuF3 , Chinese Physics B 18, 4497(2009). [PDF]

18) F. Lu(卢峰), and L. J. Zou *, Superconducting Pairing Symmetry and Energy Gaps of the Two-Orbital t-t'-J-J' Model: Comparisons with the ARPES Experiments in Iron Pnictides , J. Phys. : Cond. Matt, 21 2557012009. [PDF]

17) W. Yang(杨雯), K. Nelissen, M. H. Kong*, Z. Zeng, and F. M. Peeters, Structure of binary colloidal systems confined in a quasi-one-dimensional channel, Phys. Rev. E 79, 041406(2009). [PDF][Abstract]

16) Y. L. Li(李延龄)and Z. Zeng*, First-Principles Study of the Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of MgSiO3 at high pressure , International Journal of Modern Physics C 20, 1093 (2009) . [PDF]

15) Y. L. Li(李延龄), G. H. Zhong and Z. Zeng*, All-electron study of ultra-incompressible superhard material ReB2: structural and electronic properties , Chinese Physics B 18, 4437(2009). [PDF]

14) Y. L. Li(李延龄)and Z. Zeng*, New potential super-incompressible phase of ReN2 , Chemical Physics Letters 474, 93 (2009). [PDF]

13) W. Yang (杨雯) and Z. Zeng*, Structure and Spectrum of Binary Classic Systems Confined in a Parabolic Trap, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26, 045204(2009). [PDF]

12) G. R. Zhang(张国仁), L. J. ZouZ. Zeng* and H. Q. Lin, Magnetic and electronic properties of α-NaMnO2 , J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07E512(2009). [PDF]

11) W. Fan(范巍), Predictions of highest Transition-temperature for electron-phonon superconductors, Physica C 469, 177(2009). [PDF]

10) L. L. Li(李龙龙), W. Xu*, Z. Zeng, A. R. Wright, C. Zhang, J. Zhang, and Y. L. Shi, Mid-infrared absorption by short-period In As/GaSb typeII superlattices, Microelectron. J. 40, 815(2009). [PDF]

9) Y. H. Zhou(周裕鸿), Z. Zeng*, and X. Ju, The structural and electronic properties of CumAgn (m+n=6) clusters, Microelectron. J. 40, 832 (2009). [PDF]

8) M. Y. Ni(倪美燕), Z. Zeng*, and X. Ju , First-principles study of metal atom adsorption on the boron-doped carbon nanotubes, Microelectron. J. 40, 863(2009). [PDF]

7) L. L. Li(李龙龙), W. Xu*, Z. Zeng, A. R. Wright, C. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. L. Shi, T. C. Lu, Terahertz band-gap in InAs/GaSbt ype-II superlattices, Microelectron. J. 40. 812(2009). [PDF]

6) H. Hao(郝华), X. Q. Shi and Z. Zeng* , Theoretical demonstration of symmetric I-V curves in asymmetric molecular junction of monothiolate alkane , Microelectron. J. 40, 773 (2009). [PDF][Abstract]

5) X. L. Wang(王贤龙), M. Y. Ni, Z. Zeng* and H. Q. Lin, Effects of hydrogen impurities on MnxSi1-x semiconductors , J. Appl. Phys. 105 07C512(2009). [PDF]

4) L. L. Li(李龙龙), W. Xu*, J. Zhang and Y. L. Shi, Mid-infrared absorption by InAs/GaSb type II superlattices, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 013115(2009). [PDF]

3) M. Y. Ni(倪美燕), X. L. Wang, and Z. Zeng , Interaction of hydrogen molecules on Ni-doped single-walled carbon nanotuube, Chinese Physics B 18, 357(2009). [PDF]

2) D. Y. Liu(刘大勇), F. Lu and L. J. Zou , Anharmonic effect on lattice distortion, orbital ordering and magnetic properties in Cs 2 AgF 4 , J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 21, 026014 (2009). [PDF]

1) G. H. Zhong(钟国华)*, Y. Wang, Z. X. Dai, J. L. Wang, and Z. Zeng , Oxygen vacancy configuration of δ-Bi2O3: an ab initio study, Phys. Status Solidi B 246, 1 (2009). [PDF]


6X. D. Zhu, Y. P. Sun*, S. H. Zhang, L. J. Zou*, et al, Anisotropic and Intermediate Coupling Superconductivity in Cu0. 03TaS2, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: COMDENSED MATTER 21, 145701 (2009). [PDF]

5Y. Song, and L. J. Zou*, Optical Conductivity in Two-orbital Correlated Systems with Interorbital Hopping and Crystal Field Splitting, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B 72, 59 (2009). [PDF]

4W. H. Wang, Y. H. Cheng, F. Lu, H. Liu, and L. J. Zou, Charge and spin orderings in triangular t-J-V model with quarter filling: application to Na0. 5CoO2, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: COMDENSED MATTER, 21, 205602 (2009). [PDF]

3X. L. Wang(王贤龙), Z. Zeng, H. Ahn, and G. X. Wang*, First-principles study on the enhancement of lithium storage capacity in boron doped grahene, Applied Physics Letters 95, 183103 (2009). [PDF]

2) A. R. Wright*, J. F. Liu, Z. S. Ma, Z. Zeng, W. Xu, C. Zhang , Thermodynamic properties of graphene nanoribbons under zero and quantizing magnetic fields, Microelectron. J. 40, 716 (2009). [PDF]

1) A. R. Wright, G. X. Wang, W. Xu, Z. Zeng, and C. Zhang , The spin–orbit interaction enhanced terahertz absorption in graphenea round the K point, Microelectron. J. 40, 857(2009). [PDF]

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