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12) Yanxia Xing, Bin Wang, Yadong Wei, Baigeng Wang and Jian Wang spin pump in the presence of a superconducting lead Phys. Rev. B, 70 245324 (2004) [PDF]

11) D. Y. Sun, D. J. Shu, M. Ji, F. Liu, M. Wang, XG. Gong Pressure-induced hard-to-soft transition of a single carbon nanotube Physical Review B 70, 165417 (2004) [PDF]

10) Xiaohong Zheng, Wei Zheng, Yadong Wei, Zhi Zeng, and Jian Wang Thermoelectric transport properties in atomic scale conductors J. Chem. Phys. 121, 8537 (2004) [PDF]

9) Zhi Z, Guenzburger D, Ellis DE Magnetic and hyperfine properties of deoxymyoglobin and nitrosyl-myoglobin JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM 678 (1-3): 145-156 JUN 14 2004 (PDF)

8) W. Fan and X. G. Gong Monte Carlo Simulation De-Alloying Au/Ni(110) Surface Science Vol 562/1-3, 219-225 (2004) [PDF]

7) G. Chen, Z. F. Liu, X. G. Gong Ab initio study on structural and electronic properties of BanOm clusters J. Chem. Phys. 120, 8020 (2004) [PDF]

6) Liang-Jian Zou, J. -L. Wang and Z. Zeng Electronic Structures and States in Two-Dimensional Triangular Cobalt Oxides: Roles of Electronic Correlation Phys. Rev. B69, 132505 (2004) [PDF]

5) S. F. Li and X. G. Gong Charge induced Structural Changes in Al12C Cluster Physical Review B 70, 075404 (2004) [PDF]

4) J. L. Wang, Z. Zeng, Q. Q. Zheng Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding of Ternary Silicides Superconductor with AlB2-Type Structure Physica C408-410 264-265 (2004) [PDF]

3) Xiaohong Zheng, Ying Xu, Z. Zeng and Elisa Baggio-Saitovitch Magnetic Properties of MgCNi3-xFex by first Principles study Physica C408-410 154-156 (2004) [PDF]

2) Y. Xu and Z. Zeng The Magnetic Ground State and Anisotropic Property of UCoGa and UCoAl Physica C408-410 651-652 (2004) [PDF]

1) D. W. Yuan, Zhi Zeng, Saturated adsorption of CO and CO coadsorption of CO and O2 on AuN(N=1-7) Clusters J. Chem. Phys. 120, 6574 (2004) [PDF] Co-author's paper

2) Strain effect on adatom binding and diffusion in homo- and heteroepitaxies of Si and Ge on (001) surfaces Huang L, Liu F, Gong XG Physical Review B70, 155320 (2004) [PDF]

1) Comment on "Collapse of single-wall carbon nanotubes is diameter dependent" Zhang XH, Liu ZF, Gong XG PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Vol93 149601 (2004) [PDF] 

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