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19) L. F. Huang (黄良锋), M. Y. Ni, X. H. Zheng, W. H. Zhou, Y. G. Li, and Z. Zeng*, Ab Initio Simulations of the Kinetic Properties of the Hydrogen Monomer on Graphene, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 22636 (2010). [PDF]

18) L. L. Li*(李龙龙), X. H. Zheng, and W. Xu, Magneto-optical absorption by InAs/GaSb-based type II and broken-gap quantum well, Physica E 43, 17 (2010). [PDF]

17) Ting Jia (贾婷), H. Wu*, G. R. Zhang, X. L. Zhang, Y. Guo, Z. Zeng*, and H. Q. Lin, Spin states of Co ions in La1.5Ca0.5 CoO4 from first principles, Physical Review B 82, 205107 (2010). [PDF]

16) X. H. Zheng(郑小宏), L. L. Song, R. N. Wang, H. Hao, L. J. Guo, and Z. Zeng*, Electronic structures and transverse electrical field effects in folded zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons, Applied Physics Letters 97, 153129 (2010) . Selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 22, 18 (2010). [PDF]

15) X. L. Gu(谷显露), F. Lu, D. Y. Liu, and L. J. Zou*, Thermoelectric power of single-orbital and two-orbital Hubbard models on triangular lattices, Physica B 405, 4145(2010) . [PDF]

14) X. L. Wang(王贤龙), X. H. Zheng, M. Y. Ni, L. J. Zou and Z. Zeng*, Theoretical investigation of Möbius strips formed from graphen, Applied Physics Letters 97, 123103 (2010). Selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology and Featured Highlighted by Nature Publishing Group (NPG) asia materials. [PDF]

13) W. Xu (徐文), L. L. Li, H. M. Dong, G. Gumbs, and P. A. Folkes, Band hybridization and spin-splitting in InAs/AlSb/GaSb type II and broken-gap quantum wells, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 108, 053709 (2010). [PDF]

12) W. Xu (徐文), H. M. Dong, L. L. Li, J. Q. Yao, P. Vasilopoulos, and F. M. Peeters, Optoelectronic properties of graphene in the presence of optical phonon scattering, Physical Review B 82, 125304 (2010). [PDF]

11) H. M. Dong*(董海明), W. Xu*, and R. B. Tan, Temperature relaxation and energy loss of hot carriers in graphene, Solid State Communications 150, 1770 (2010). [PDF]

10) W. Fan* (范巍), Y. L. Li, J. L. Wang, L. J. Zou, and Z. Zeng, Tc map and superconductivity of simple metals at high pressure, Physica C 470, 696 (2010). [PDF]

9) W. Fan* (范巍), J. L. Wang, L. J. Zou, and Z. Zeng, Non-Adiabatic Effects of Superconductor Silane under High Pressure, CHIN. PHYS. LETT 27, 087402 (2010). [PDF]

8) L. L. Song(宋玲玲), X. H. Zheng, R. N. Wang, and Z. Zeng*, Dangling Bond States, Edge Magnetism, and Edge Reconstruction in Pristine and B/N-Terminated Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 12145(2010). [PDF]

7) H. M. Dong*(董海明), W. Xu, J. Zhang, and Yi-zhe Yuan, Terahertz absorption window and high transmission in graphene bilayer, Optics Communications 283, 3695(2010). [PDF]

6) G. R. Zhang(张国仁), X. L. Zhang, T. Jia, Z. Zeng*, and H. Q. Lin, Intrachain antiferromagnetic interaction and Mott state induced by spin-orbit coupling in Sr3NiIrO6, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107, 09E120 (2010). [PDF]

5) H. Hao (郝华), X. H. Zheng, Z. X. Dai and Z. Zeng*, Spin-filtering transport and switching effect of MnCu single-molecule magnet, Appl. Phys. Lett 96192112(2010). [PDF]

4) C. S. Liu(刘春生), and Z. Zeng*, Boron-tuned bonding mechanism of Li-graphene complex for reversible hydrogen storage, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 123101(2010). Selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 21, 14 (2010). [PDF]

3) X. H. Zheng*(郑小宏), X. L. Wang, T. A. Abtew, and Z. Zeng*, Building Half-Metallicity in Graphene Nanoribbons by Direct Control over Edge States Occupation, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 4190(2010). [PDF]

2) H. M. Dong(董海明), W. Xu*, J. Zhang, F. M. Peeters, and P. Vasilopoulos Photo-excited carriers and optical conductance and transmission in graphene in the presence of phonon scattering, Physica E 42, 748(2010). [PDF]

1) C. Z. Wang(王翠知), D. Y. Liu, H. B. Tang, J. Liu, and L. J. Zou*, Spin Flop Transitions under Strong Magnetic Fields in Orbital Ordered KCuF3, Physica B 405, 1423(2010). [PDF]


6) M. Y. Ni*(倪美燕), L. F. Huang, L. J. Guo, and Z. Zeng, Hydrogen storage in Li-doped charged single-walled carbon nanotubes, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 35, 3546 (2010). [PDF]

5) W. H. Wang, Y. H. Cheng, F. Lu, H. Q. Lin, and L. J. Zou*, Phase Separation of t-J-V Model on a Triangular Lattice: Possible Application to Heavy Doped NaxCoO2, PHYSICS LETTERS A 374, 4718 (2010). [PDF]

4) 陈东猛,刘大勇, 双层反铁磁体K3Cu2F7中轨道序驱动的自旋二聚化, 物理学报59, 73502010. [PDF]

3) F. Lu, W. H. Wang, D. Y. Liu, C. Z. Wang, and L. J. Zou, Orbital polarizations and superconducting phase diagrams in two-orbital asymmetric t–J models, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22355603 (2010). . [PDF]

2) L. L. Li(李龙龙), W. Xu*, and F. M. Peeters, Intrinsic optical anisotropy of [001]-grown short-period InAs/GaSb superlattices, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 235422(2010). [PDF]

1) G. H. Zhong(钟国华)*, Y. L. Li, Z. Liu, and Z. Zeng, Ground state properties of perovskite and post-perovskite CaRuO3: Ferromagnetism reduction, Solid State Sciences 12, 2003(2010). [PDF]

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