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12) W. J. Yu, W. M. Lau, S. P. Chan, Z. F. Liu, Q. Q. Zheng Ab initio study of phase transformation in boron uitride Phys. Rev. B67, 014108 (2003) [PDF]

11) Baigeng Wang, Jian Wang, Hong Guo Quantum spin dield effect transistor Phys. Rev. B67, 092408 (2003) [PDF]

10) Baigeng Wang, Jian Wang, Hong Guo Current plateatus of nonadiabatic charge pump: multiphoton processes Phys. Rev. B68, 155326 (2003) [PDF]

9) Duan XM, Gong XG Local bias potential in hyper molecular dynamics method COMPUTER MATER SCIENCE 27, 375(2003) [PDF]

8) Yim WL, Gong XG, Liu ZF Chemisorption of NO2 on carbon nanotubes J. Phys. CHEM. B107, 9363 SEP 4 (2003) [PDF]

7) Chan SP, Yim WL, Gong XG, et. al Carbon nanotube bundles under high pressure: Transformation to low-symmetry structures Phys. Rev. B68, 075404 Aug 15 (2003) [PDF]

6) J. L. Wang, Z. ZENG, Q. Q. Zheng, H. Q. Lin Electronic structure of heavy fermion superconductor CeMIn5(M=Co, Rh, Ir) JOURNAL of APPLIED PHYSICS Vol 93, 6891(2003) [PDF]

5) Wei Zheng, Junling Wu, Baigeng Wang, Jian Wang, Qingfeng Sun and Hong Guo Top Parametric quantum spin pump Phys. Rev. B68, 113306 (2003) [PDF]

4) G. Chen Z. F. Liu X. G. Gong Structural Transition in BanOm Clusters Phys. Rev. B67, 205415 (2003) [ PDF ]

3) Y. S. Zhang Z. ZENG Interaction between Cs and Fe JOURNAL of APPLIED PHYSICS Vol 93, 7255(2003) [ PDF ]

2) Fan W, Gong XG Surface diffusion of small cluster APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, Vol 219, 117-122(2003) [ PDF ]

1) S. P. CHAN, G. CHEN, X. G. GONG, Z. F. LIU Oxidation of Carbon Nanotubes by Singlet O2 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 086403 (2003) [ PDF ]

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