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19) Y. Xiang and X. G. Gong, Generalized Simulated Annealing Method and its Application, Progress in Physics (in Chinese) 20, 319(2000). [PDF ] 

18) Sun Q, Wang Q, Parlinski K, GONG XG, First-principles study on the intrinsic stability of the magic Fe13O8 Cluster, PHYS. REV. B 62, 16176 (2000) [ PDF ] 

17) Wei SH, Zeng Z, You JQ, et al., A density-functional study of small titanium clusters, J CHEM PHYS 113 (24): 11127-11133 DEC 22 (2000) [ PDF ] 

16) Wu H, High-spin and charge-ordering state of YBaCo2O5, PHYS REV B 62 (18): R11953-R11956 NOV 1 (2000) [ PDF ] 

15) Xiang Y, Gong XG, Efficiency of generalized simulated annealing, PHYS REV E 62 (3): 4473-4476 Part B SEP (2000) [ PDF ] 

14) Quan HJ, Gong XG, Electronic structure of cluster-assembled Al12C (Si)solid, CHINESE PHYS 9 (9): 656-660 SEP (2000) [ PDF ] 

13) Duan XM, Gong XG, Surface trapping of hyperthermal particles:, A molecular dynamics simulation, PHYS STATUS SOLIDI B 220 (2): 869-874 AUG (2000) [ PDF ] 

12) Wu H, Zheng QQ, Reply to comment on 'The electronic structure of CaCuO2and SrCuO2', J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 12 (26): 5813-5815 JUL 3 (2000) [ PDF ] 

11) Duan XM, Gong XG, Deposition of small clusters on surface: a molecular dynamics simulationTop, CHINESE PHYS LETT 17 (6): 416-418 (2000) [ PDF ] 

10) Dai JM, Zou LJ, Song WH, et al., Photoinduced resistivity change in layered, manganite La2-2xCa1+2xMn2O7(x=0. 3), MAT SCI ENG B-SOLID 76 (1): 35-37 JUN 15 (2000) [ PDF ] 

9) Qian MC, Dong JM, Zheng QQ, Electronic structure of the ferroelectromagnet YMnO3, PHYS LETT A 270 (1-2): 96-101 MAY 22 (2000) [ PDF ] 

8) Wu H, Zheng QQ, Lin HQ, Energy band structures of the low-dimensional, antiferromagnets Sr2CuO3 and Sr2CuO2Cl2, J APPL PHYS 87 (9): 4897-4899 Part 2 MAY 1 (2000) [ PDF ] 

7) Zou LJ, Campbell DK, Lin HQ, Spin diffusion dynamics in double exchange manganites, J APPL PHYS 87 (9): 5499-5501 Part 2 MAY 1 (2000) [ PDF ] 

6) Xiang Y, Sun DY, Gong XG, Generalized simulated annealing studies on, structures and properties of Nin (n=2-55) clusters, J PHYS CHEM A 104 (12): 2746-2751 MAR 30 (2000) [ PDF ] 

5) Hu WY, Qian MC, Zheng QQ, et al., Jahn-Teller effect and many-body correlation effect in LaMnO3, PHYS REV B 61 (2): 1223-1231 JAN 1 (2000) [ PDF ] 

4) Wu H, Zheng QQ, Gong XG, Electronic structure study of the magnetoresistance, material CaCu3Mn4O12 by LSDA and LSDA+U, PHYS REV B 61 (8): 5217-5222 FEB 15 (2000) [ PDF ] 

3) Sun Q, Wang Q, Parlinski K, et al., First-principles studies on the intrinsic stability, of the magic Fe13O8 cluster, PHYS REV B 61 (8): 5781-5785 FEB 15 (2000) [ PDF ] 

2) Zou LJ, Zheng QQ, Spectral statistics on itinerant magnetism in nanoscale metallic grains, PHYSICA B 279 (1-3): 188-190 APR (2000) [ PDF ] 

1) Sun DY, Gong XG, Cluster on the fcc(111) surface: structure, stability and diffusion, SURF SCI 445 (1): 41-48 JAN 10 (2000) [ PDF ] 

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